Metal Ducts vs Flex Ducts: Which is Better?

When it comes to heating and cooling systems, there are two main types of ducts: metal and flexible. While both have their advantages, it's important to understand the differences between them in order to make an informed decision. Metal ducts are rigid and provide superior airflow, while flexible ducts are easier to install and more cost-effective. Metal ducts are rigid and require precise measurement and adjustment during installation.

They are more durable than flexible ducts and provide superior airflow, allowing more air in cubic feet per minute (CFM) than a flexible duct of the same size. However, metal ducts are more difficult to install and require more labor, resulting in higher installation costs. Flexible ducts, on the other hand, are lightweight and can be folded as needed to fit the heating or cooling system. Installation is much faster, reducing labor costs and downtime for your company.

Flexible ducting is often the cheapest and quietest option, but it can be more difficult to install in tight or hard-to-reach areas. Additionally, flexible ducts can wrinkle in ways that make it difficult for the air supply to reach designated roof ventilation. When deciding between metal and flexible ducts, consider the size of your building, the type of air conditioning system you have, and your budget. If you need to install ducting in a tight or hard-to-reach area, flexible ducting may be a better option for you. However, if you're looking for superior airflow and durability, metal ducts may be the way to go.

Regardless of the type of ducts in your building, regular maintenance is essential for optimal performance of your air conditioning system. If you can't remember the last time someone evaluated your building's ductwork, schedule an inspection with a qualified HVAC contractor.

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