What are the 4 types of duct systems?

Sheet metal is the most common type of the four duct materials. Fiberboard is made of fiberglass threads that have been bonded together by resin. Made of galvanized steel or aluminum, rigid sheet metal is the most common type of duct. The thick, solid wall makes the duct very durable.

The interior is known to trap dust and other particles, but the smooth surface is generally easy to clean. That's why, if you use sheet metal in your home, it's a good idea to have your ducts cleaned by a professional from time to time to maintain adequate air quality. Because of their non-porous surface, they are also the least likely to promote mold growth. This type of duct is made of a coil of metal wire and is covered with a layer of flexible plastic.

The flexible air duct also has thermal insulation made of glass wool, although it also has other materials such as polyethylene or metallized PET. Flexible ducts usually look like a cube and have no elbows or detours. Your home will likely have a flexible air duct if you're short on space. Rigid-type ducts can also be lined with fiberglass.

This duct is very similar to sheet metal ducts, but they have an internal or external coating of fiberglass. These ducts are preferred in commercial buildings and offices, as fiberglass coated air ducts have the ability to dampen the sound of the air conditioner. Different air duct materials have their advantages and disadvantages. The most common and familiar type are sheet metal air ducts. They are made of aluminum or galvanized steel.

They are durable and relatively easy to install, and their smooth surfaces make them resistant to the growth of mold and bacteria. Although there are currently different types of ducts available on the market, sheet metal is most recommended, since this type of air duct is not porous by nature and, therefore, does not allow mold or bacteria to reproduce in air ducts. This type of duct is ideal for tight or uncomfortable spaces where the types of ducts mentioned above are difficult to install. In addition to the material and type of ducts used, the overall design of the air duct system plays a vital role in system performance.

This type of air duct will not only save you space, but it will also give you the freedom to move the duct from side to side. Because of the sealed inner lining, fiberglass ducts require intensive cleaning that can make ducts less durable. In other cases, a large duct runs from one end of the house to the other, with smaller ducts branching out to every room. This type of duct is also more prone to mold, mildew and bacteria formation than flexible or sheet metal ducts due to their porous surface.

A professional will know what type of material works best for the ducts in your area and how to properly insulate and seal the ducts. Fiberglass air ducts are similar to fiberglass lined ducts, but are sealed to ensure no particles come off made of fiberglass.

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